Theresa Ogaosun
6 min readJan 23, 2020


Anti-aging Beauty Treatment: 10 Foods To Make You Look Ageless

If you’re a mum you’d understand how crazy-busy weekends can be. While many may see weekends as the time to unwind from the stress of the week, for us mums, unfortunately, that is not the case.

Not that getting more family time is such a bad thing!

It’s the extra cleanup, cooking and running around that is my concern. Whew! Thinking of weekends just make me shiver, lol.

Anyway, last Saturday after the usual Saturday “environmental” and cooking, I decided to go for an afternoon hangout with a few girlfriends.

Trust me, it was a date that took months of planning and rescheduling… you know, the typical life of a mum (shrugs).

So we caught up on work, family and all the little gossips we couldn’t spill on the phone, *winks*. And of course, I got a few compliments about how stylishly dressed and young I was looking. I was just blushing like a schoolgirl…

Let me tell you a secret, I do love to slay — if only they knew that it took changing four different outfits and hubby convincing me to go for the last one before I could finally decide on what to wear.

They were very particular about how I was really looking ageless and glowing. And since beauty doesn’t come cheap these days, I shared how I got my fountain of youth potion — including the evil witches and dragons I had to slay.

Just joking, lol!

The inexpensive anti-ageing beauty treatment I want to share with you ladies is that there are many ways to look younger without breaking the bank or going under the knife. Plus they are affordable and can easily be found in your grocery store.

I can assure you that these anti-ageing beauty treatments were proven and tested by yours truly, me! And the best part, I won’t charge you for it.

Curious, right?

Want to know what my beauty secret is? Scroll down and keep reading, please.

Anti-aging Beauty Treatment: 10 Foods To Make You Look Ageless

  1. Red Bell Pepper

Really? I know what you’re thinking, yes Red bell peppers. No need to freak out because this vegetable contains a lot of antioxidants works as an anti-ageing beauty treatment that will make you look ageless. They also have a high content of vitamin C which is also good for collagen production. These antioxidants are called carotenoids, they are plant pigments that make the bright red, yellow, and orange colours you find in many fruits and vegetables. With lots of anti-inflammatory properties, they help protect your skin from sun damage and many environmental toxins.

How To Use: Slice them and add them into a raw salad, or cook them in your stir-fry.

3. Blueberries

Rich in vitamins A and C, blueberries are also an age-defying antioxidant called anthocyanin which gives them their beautiful blue colour. These help to protect your skin by decreasing the inflammatory response and preventing collagen loss. This way your skin stays fresh and glowing.

How To Use: Add this super delicious fruit in your smoothie or eat like that.

4. Spinach

Spinach is another vegetable you can find your kitchen. It is very hydrating and contains a lot of antioxidants that help you supply oxygen and replenish your entire body. Plus it is very rich in:

  • Vitamin A that promotes strong, shiny hair
  • Vitamin C increases collagen production to keep your skin firm and smooth.
  • Vitamin K helps reduce inflammation in cells.
  • Vitamin E, and magnesium, etc.

Nice right?

How To Use: Throw in a handful of spinach to your smoothie, porridge, rice or salad.

5. Avocado

This is a personal favourite. This beautiful green fruit has high inflammation-fighting fatty acids that make your skin smooth and elegant. They also have different essential nutrients that prevent ageing. This fruit will help you shed dead skin cells, protect you from the sun leaving you with beautiful, glowing skin.

How To Use: Mix avocados in your salad, smoothie, or just eat them.

6. Sweet potatoes

This is another anti-ageing beauty treatment that you can also find in your kitchen or the grocery store. It contains vitamin A that restores your skin elasticity. It also promotes skin cell change which gives you soft and ageless skin.

It also contains vitamins C and E which protects your skin and keeps your complexion shining.

How To Use: Make a delicious potato meal, yum!

6. Papaya

Papayas are rich with a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improves your skin elasticity. They include:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • B Vitamins
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamins A, C, K, And E

They also reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your skin. The antioxidants in this fruit delay signs of ageing. It also contains an enzyme called papain which is found in many exfoliating products. This enzyme provides anti-ageing benefits that protect you from sun damage, pollution, etc.

Papaya is a very good anti-ageing beauty treatment that sheds dead skin cells and leaves your skin vibrant and smooth!

How To Use: Mash papayas to make a beauty mask at home or add them in your fruit salad.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is an anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing beauty treatment that has a lot of properties. They include:

  • vitamins C and K
  • a variety of antioxidants
  • fibre
  • folate
  • lutein
  • calcium

It also has a high production of collagen that gives your skin strength and elasticity.

How To Use: Eat it raw as a quick snack or steam it before eating. You can also add them to your meal.


8. Water Cress

Greens make you stay green and fresh. There are so many health benefits of watercress! They act as an internal skin antiseptic and increase the circulation of minerals. This increases oxygen in the skin. The vitamins keep wrinkles away.

This hydrating leafy green is a great source of:

  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • vitamins A, C, K, B-1, and B-2

How To Use: Mix a handful of this rich green to your salad for glowing skin.

9. Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of vitamin E which helps to repair your skin tissue, retain skin moisture, and protect your skin from damaging UV rays. Some nuts like walnuts contain a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that may help:

  • strengthen your skin cell membranes
  • protect your skin against sun damage and also give your skin that beautiful glow you desire by preserving its natural oil barrier

How To Use: Add varieties of nuts in your salads, or eat as a snack. Leave the skin as studies have shown that 50 per cent of the antioxidants are lost without the skin.

10. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are another anti-ageing beauty treatments that have been used since the beginning of time as a healing medicinal fruit. They are very high in vitamin C and have a variety of strong antioxidants. It also protects your body from ageing cells.

It has a high production of collagen in the skin, which slows signs of ageing.

How To Use: Add them to your salad for a delicious anti-ageing treat!

Final Note

Few weeks after I gave my girlfriends the anti-ageing beauty treatment, two of them called me to share their testimonies about how they tried the tips I shared and how their skin was glowing and looking really smooth.

I was happy to hear that it worked for them and can’t wait to get the feedback from you all after trying it.

Do leave a comment on what you think about this anti-ageing beauty treatment and ask questions if you have any.

Remember to Eat well, Live Well and Look Well!



Theresa Ogaosun

I am that creative writer that likes to try new things, I am not afraid of change and I do enjoy a challenge... a little excitement too!