26 Things I Learnt About Being 26

Being 26 is such a beautiful year, there’s so much growth that happens during this age. You are more mature and feel more connected to your inner self. You accept the beauty within, everything just feels right!

Theresa Ogaosun
5 min readJun 25, 2022

Yay! I am officially a 26-year-old!!

It’s been a few weeks since I turned 26, and nothing has changed much. I still have bills to pay, responsibilities toward my career and relationship goals and I still have to work to earn a living.

See? Nothing much has changed.

But I can definitely tell you this, I am more mature emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I am not the same person I was when I turned 25 and definitely not the same person five years ago.

Turning 25 sure made a great impact on the immense change I've had in the last couple of months. When I turned 26, I was immediately reminded of how dreadfully close I was to turning 30. There were so many things I wanted to achieve before I turned 30 but that’s not what I want to talk about today.

So what did I learn since I turned 26?

  1. You have a great sense of self. You’re more attuned to who you are or what you are not. You’re confident and self-assured. You’re aware of yourself and you know who you don’t want to be.
  2. You’re more at peace with yourself. Everything that you want resonates with who you want to be in life. There’s this calmness you feel inside, like a flowing river, your mind is serene and at peace with the world.
  3. You know what you want. You may not know where the future is taking you, but you know what you want for yourself. Everything you’ve done, the choices and sacrifices you made led you here.
  4. You understand that your friends also have their own lives and relationships. You’re no longer jealous of the people they spend time with or afraid that they will leave. You’re okay with no longer being friends with them when the time comes and you’re okay with them being close with other people because we all have time to be in someone’s life.
  5. You’re okay with being alone. You’re no longer afraid of ending up alone. The thought of being single or friendless no longer scares you, you’ve accepted that you don’t need anyone to complete you.
  6. You no longer need anyone to be happy. Being 26 makes you realise that your happiness is not found in any man, friendship or person. Your happiness is found in you.
  7. You’re content with where you are in life. The dreams, the relationship, the family or the home you wanted doesn’t matter because you’re fine with where God has placed you but don’t be afraid to look up.
  8. You believe that everything will happen in its own time. You no longer want to force anything because you know that it’s just a matter of time. Being 26 will make you want to let fate take it course, there’s no rush right?
  9. You’re more patient about the things you want in life. You’re not in a race against time and you no longer worry when things don’t happen when you want them to. You just accept that it will at the right time.
  10. You embrace your desires. You’ve learnt to accept the yearning, loneliness and companionship that you feel. Even the sexual desires are normal, you no longer feel bad for feeling the way you feel.
  11. You know when to talk and when to just observe quietly. You’re more conscious of the things you say and when you say them. You don’t talk out of turn because you understand that your word is like a gun.
  12. You know how to spend wisely. You work hard to make money and you spend it wisely. You also know when to splurge ;-)
  13. You don’t compare yourself with others. You don’t worry about where other people are or what they have. You’re okay with what you have. You’re not afraid of missing out.
  14. You don’t care about impressing people. Being liked by everyone seems like such a waste of time and energy, you no longer see the need to people please.
  15. You now have principles and boundaries. There are lines you won’t cross, you have moral ethics and boundaries at your job, with your family and friends and even in your relationship. You’re disciplined and well principled, you know how to say no and you speak your mind.
  16. Your expectations have changed. You no longer think the way you used to. Your dreams are bigger and clearer, and you know that working harder and smarter will get you there. You see the bigger picture, you understand that it takes time and it is worth adjusting a few things.
  17. Only real relationships matter. You only care about having real people in your corner. You no longer want to be involved in baseless conversations or relationships.
  18. You’re more intuitive. You’re more aware of the energies of the people around you. You are connected to your instinct and emotions, you’re more attuned to the vibrational frequencies given off by those around you and you use this information to further refine the way you act in a situation.
  19. You know how to listen more. You listen more, you’re patient and know when to give an opinion. You have a way to tap in and take in moments you can learn from without having to speak.
  20. You’ve learnt to love yourself more. You’re more careful about what goes into your body, what you do with your time and who you let into your space. You’ve learnt to choose you and look out for you!
  21. You understand that it’s okay to fail. Failing is not the best feeling in the world but it is an important moment. You appreciate the blessings and learn from the lessons. You know not to give up and you’re willing to try again.
  22. You doubt yourself and it’s okay. There are moment where you will doubt yourself or be afraid of the journey ahead, it’s okay to need reassurance. As long as you learn to recenter your mind and get back on track, you will be fine.
  23. You will learn to love new things. What you used to like can be what you hate today and you have new interests and dislikes. It’s okay to like new things and have new hobbies, it’s part of growing up!
  24. You learn to accept that not everyone will be able to love or give as you do. It’s okay to give a hundred percent and receive fifty percent, not everyone will love like you do. You just have to bring down your expectations of people, you’re not them and they are not you.
  25. You know that not all advice should be taken. As much as you know not to take all advice, you also know when not to give unsolicitated advice.
  26. You will never stop growing. This list is just the beginning. There are so many opportunities to learn and be a better version of yourself, just be ready!

Being 26 is teaching me so much and I wanted to share these changes. I am not perfect, definitely a work in progress and I have accepted my shortcomings. I hope being 26 will help me become better when I am 36.

Cheers to a new year!



Theresa Ogaosun

I am that creative writer that likes to try new things, I am not afraid of change and I do enjoy a challenge... a little excitement too!